Tag Archives: Hot

July 20th Heat Wave

Good morning everyone,

All my humans are home! This is really good because I can now smell both of them. But at the same time, I did get lots of toys and I got to sleep in the bed while blogging human was gone!

We are up early this morning at 5:15 – and can you believe it was already 71°F? Here’s an incongruent selfie of us as we try to make sense out of what’s going on. Notice the gibbous moon in the background!

20190720_053120.jpg We got up before the birds – can you believe it? They started chattering today at 5:48. By that time we were inside!

The grass is surprisingly dry this morning. Our nighttime temperature did not drop below dew point, which seems to be at 70°F today. A lot of thunder passed us yesterday without dropping their load on us. Will it rain today? Probably not, actually. But it will be hot. 85°F is very hot for us, actually!


Look at the purple sky behind our newly planted river birch. Ain’t it gorgeous?

Gorgeous things have been happening inside the house as well! Winston and I witnessed our non-blogging human work like a dog (why is that an expression? We don’t work very hard LOL) reflooring and repainting the walls and trim to our room. We know it’s our room because we sleep in there. But when blogging human came home, it seems like a new rule was established – no more dogs sleeping in the bed!! Say what?!

We protested, of course, and I won. I snuck into bed last night 🙂 Hey, it’s my room! I heard they are even going to decorate it with clouds, rainbows and hot air ballooons. Three of my favorite things!

Have a great Saturday everyone!



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Filed under Morning Walks with Mack